VRM Release
Bible Study – Verse by Verse – Acts (Chapters 2-10)

Bible Study – Verse by Verse – Acts (Chapters 2-10)


“The Book of Acts, is the acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles, not the acts of the Apostles but the acts of the Holy Spirit through them”, quote Pastor Vic.

Notation:  Some tapes are missing to this Verse by Verse study.  However, Pastor Vic reviews very thoroughly at the beginning of each lesson and therefore most of the missing content does not effect this Bible Study teachings.


  1. 1Acts 2: 1-7Download
  2. 2Acts 2: 7-17Download
  3. 3Acts 2: 37-47Download
  4. 4Acts 3: 1-19Download
  5. 5Acts 3:20 - Acts 4:20Download
  6. 6Acts 4: 21 - Acts 5:11Download
  7. 7Acts 5Download
  8. 8Acts 6 : 1 -7:60Download
  9. 9Acts 8:1 - 8:25Download
  10. 10Acts 9:10 - 9:31Download
  11. 11Acts 9:32 - 10:33Download